About Us

Meet the Team
The people behind Creative Economy
Our story began in 1992, with a dream to connect culture and economy and further inspired by Australia’s “Creative Nation” policy, the world’s first policy to frame culture and creativity in the economy. For 30 years, Creative Economy have ignited cultural transformation across Australia and beyond, by enabling organisations like yours achieve economic sustainability.
What’s next? The United Nations have declared 2021 the International Year of the Creative Economy for Sustainable Development, and we are Creative Economy. This is a signal for us to come out and champion culture and the economy, and we would love for you to hop on board.
Our vision is to create a sustainable world with culture at its core.
We believe putting culture first is essential to sustainability. Our experience has shown that this approach improves business viability and achieves greater economic and social outcomes. We’ve made it our mission to help you realise this in your organisation.